Visit Jillson House Museum
Inventions Created in Windham, CT
Creativity, Ingenuity, Entrepreneurship
Have you ever wondered how things got invented? Or who invented them? Would you be surprised if some of the coolest things ever invented were created by your neighbor? Windham has been a source of some of the most amazing and world changing inventions. The crackers you buy and eat with cheese are made by a machine that can be traced back to a Windham, CT inventor! If you are curious about what other really cool things were invented in Windham, and how they changed the world, please visit our exhibit.
"Windham Inventors and How They Changed the World."
The exhibit will be on display at the Jillson House until January 31, 2025.

Listen & Watch
Our exhibit showcases sixteen amazing inventions created by Windham Residents. Below are short videos about eight of our favorite. Click on the picture and sit back and enjoy. Think about how each invention paved the way for today's technology. Can you imagine a world without cider and crackers? No way!
But we are glad to see the corset go out of fashion!
Some Exceptional Inventions
Other Patents Created in Windham
Please come and visit our exhibit at the Jillson House Museum. We have information on 16 different inventions created in Windham. We guarantee you will leave saying, "WOW!" Here are a sample.....

Pastor Roger, Windham
"I teach Home School kids and this has been one of the most interesting and fun to teach programs I have presented. I had no idea so many cool things were invented in Windham."
James, 5, Windham
"I love the crackers. It was fun to make them, but more fun to eat them. I learned a lot about my town. We have smart people in our town."
Lisa Driver, MI
"The Jillson House is a beautiful building. We enjoyed visiting and learning about the Windham inventors. We never realized Windham produced so many patents. Eye opening."