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What the heck are all the frogs about??
If you have been around town or googled anything about Windham, you have seen a frog.
Enjoy our folk story about the mighty frogs of Windham!

The Battle of the Frogs
Windham, CT is famous for its story of the Frog Battle. The best description is the one in booklet published by James Walden in 1857 in Willimantic, CT. It is called, "The Battle of the Frogs, at Windham, 1758, With Various Accounts." It includes the three most popular ballads written about the incident that became world famous.
“On a dark, cloudy, dismal night in the month of July, A.D., 1758, the inhabitants of Windham, a small town in the eastern part of Connecticut, (family prayer having been duly and reverently performed around each altar) had retired for rest..........
The Frogs of Windham, And Old Colony Tale, Founded on Fact--By Arion
--Published in the Providence Gazette
When these free States were colonies
Unto the mother nation,
And, in Connecticut, the good
Old Blue Laws were in fashion,
A circumstance which there occurred,
(And much the mind surprises
Upon reflection,) then gave rise
To many strange surmises.
You all have seen, as I presume,
Or had a chance to see,
Those strange amphibious quadrupeds,
Call'd bull-frogs commonly.
Well, in Connecticut 'tis said,
By those who make pretensions
To truth, those creatures often grow
To marvelous dimensions.

Bull-Frog Song
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Copy of a dollar bill printed by the Windham Bank in 1862

Bull-Frog Fight: A Ballad of the Olden Time
A direful story must I tell,
Should I at length relate
What once a luckless town befell
In “wooden nutmeg” state.
‘Twas in the days of old King George,
The Dutchman, who did reign
O’er England, and her colonies,
And islands in the main.

The Frogs of Windham, And Old Colony Tale, Founded on Fact--By Arion
--Published in the Providence Gazette
When these free States were colonies
Unto the mother nation,
And, in Connecticut, the good
Old Blue Laws were in fashion,
A circumstance which there occurred,
(And much the mind surprises
Upon reflection,) then gave rise
To many strange surmises.
You all have seen, as I presume,
Or had a chance to see,
Those strange amphibious quadrupeds,
Call'd bull-frogs commonly.
Well, in Connecticut 'tis said,
By those who make pretensions
To truth, those creatures often grow
To marvelous dimensions.

Bull-Frog Song
This is your Exhibition Description. Use this space to provide more details about your exhibition like where it’s located, when it begins and ends, and who it’s geared towards. Get your site visitors excited to jump into the action with you! Add photos or videos to give your visitors a taste what’s in store. And if you’ve been covered in the media, add a quote and link to the relevant publication!